CGE Components

Sets, Variables, Parameters, Equations

This page covers the basic building blocks of a GCE model and how they are written in GAMS and Python.


In CGE models, variables and equations are defined across values of sets or combinations of sets. In GAMS, sets are defined like so:


I All commodities
 agr             Agriculture and other primary commodities
 food            Food and beverages
 othind          Other manufacturing and construction
 ser             Services
 adm             Public administration


In python, it is most useful to first define a list with the variables, and then define the set.

commodities = [
    'AGR',      # Agriculture and other primary commodities
    'FOOD',     # Food and beverages
    'OTHIND',   # Other manufacturing and construction
    'SER',      # Services
    'ADM'       # Public administration
m.commodities = Set(dimen=1,initialize=commodities, doc='All commodities') 


Subsets in both GAMS and python must be defined exactly as sets:

I1(I) All commodities except agriculture
* agr             Agriculture and other primary commodities
 food            Food and beverages
 othind          Other manufacturing and construction
 ser             Services
 adm             Public administration
commodities_ex_agr = ['FOOD','OTHIND','SER','ADM']
m.commodities_ex_agr = Set(dimen=1,initialize=commodities_ex_agr, doc='All commodities except agriculture') 

Aliasing sets

In GAMS, sets which need to be looped over in a nested fashion need to be aliased, so that multiple copies can be used in the same equation. This is done like so:

ALIAS (i,ij)

In Python, this is generally not required, as these different loops can be handled inline.


In GAMS, defining a variable is a four-step process:

TICO(i)           Government revenue from indirect taxes on product i

TICO(i)         = SAM('AG','TI','I',i);

TIC(i)          Government revenue from indirect taxes on product i

TIC.l(i)        = TICO(i);

In python, the variable is defined and initialized in the same step:

m.TIC       = Var(m.commodities, doc='Government revenue from indirect taxes on product i', 
    initialize=sam(['AG','TI','I',0], over=[commodities]))

In this case, the variable is initialized with a call to a sam function. This is a custom function which retrieves values from the social accounting matrix an returns a dictionary of key-value pairs with the keys matching the values in the commodities list/set. I.e.:

  'AGR': 1,
  'FOOD': 2,
  'OTHIND': 3,
  'SER': 4,
  'ADM': 5      

For variables which are defined across multiple variables, the dictionary keys must be tuples of the combinations, i.e.:

  ('FOOD','AGR'): 10
  ('ADM','ADM'): 11

The variable definition must list the sets at the start of the Var call. The consumption variable, for example, is defined across combinations of commodities and households:

m.C     = Var(m.commodities, m.households, doc='Consumption of commodity i by type h households', initialize=sam(['I',0,'AG',1], over=[commodities, households]))


Parameters are essentially variables which do not change in value (but also not exactly fixed variables). In GAMS these are defined first with the PARAMETERS command, and later provided values with a separate command. In this case the parameter’s values are based on the initial values of the VA and XST variables.

v(j)              Coefficient (Leontief - value added)

v(j)            = VAO(j)/XSTO(j);

In python, the code is very similar to the code for variable. In this case, an inline dict(map(lambda j: , industries)) function is used to generate the dictionary of key-value pairs. Calls to a custom val function provide the values from the m.VA and m.XST variables.

m.v = Param(, doc='Coefficient (Leontief - value added)', default=dict(map(lambda j: (j,
    val(m.VA,j)/val(m.XST, j)
), industries)))

Parameter values cannot be changed unless they are passed the mutable argument when defined. This is needed if the parameter is to be adjusted when running different scenarios of the model. Here is an example where the parameter is initialized with a pre-defined tm dictionary: = Param(m.tradeables, doc='Tax rate on imported commodity tr', initialize=tm, mutable=True)


In GAMS, equations are declared and then defined, much as with variables and parameters. In this case, equation EQ1 is defined for each of the values of j.


 EQ1(j)          Value added demand in industry j (Leontief)

EQ1(j)..        VA(j) =e= v(j)*XST(j);

The equivalent in python is this:

# EQ1(j)          Value added demand in industry j (Leontief)
def EQ1(m, j):
    return m.VA[j] == m.v[j]*m.XST[j]
m.EQ1 = Constraint(, rule=EQ1, doc='Value added demand in industry j (Leontief)')

Note that a function returning the equation is defined first, after which the equation is added to the model.

Here are equations which are defined for just a single value, or defined for combinations of variables, respectively:

#  EQ22            Total government income
def EQ22(m):
    return m.YG == m.YGK + m.TDHT + m.TDFT + m.TPRODN + m.TPRCTS + m.YGTR
m.EQ22 = Constraint(rule=EQ22, doc='Total government income')

#  EQ9(i,j)        Intermediate consumption of commodity i by industry j (Leontief)
def EQ9(m, i, j):
    return m.DI[(i,j)] == m.aij[(i,j)]*m.CI[j]
m.EQ9 = Constraint(m.commodities,, rule=EQ9, doc='Intermediate consumption of commodity i by industry j (Leontief)')

Excluding combinations

In GAMS, many equations are only defined over non-zero values of some of the included variables. This is done by including these variables with a $ sign when defining the equation:

                 LD(l,j) =e= [beta_LD(l,j)*WC(j)/WTI(l,j)]**sigma_LD(j)

In python, this is done by checking initial values and otherwise returning Constraint.Skip:

#  EQ6(l,j)        Demand for type l labor by industry j (CES)
def EQ6(m, l, j):
    if val(m.LD, l, j) != 0:
        return m.LD[(l,j)] == ( m.beta_LD[(l,j)]*m.WC[j] / m.WTI[(l,j)])**m.sigma_LD[j]*m.B_LD[j]**(m.sigma_LD[j] - 1)*m.LDC[j] 
    return Constraint.Skip
m.EQ6 = Constraint(m.labour,, rule=EQ6, doc='Demand for type l labor by industry j (CES)')

Equations using sums and products

Many equations include sums of variables. In GAMS, these are included with the SUM command with the last argument being the values to sum and the preceding argument(s) the values to sum over:

EQ13(h)..       YHTR(h) =e= SUM[ag,TR(h,ag)];

In python, this is done with a sum( ... for .. in ..) construction. The in argument can be either a set in the model or a list.

#  EQ13(h)         Transfer income of type h households
def EQ13(m, h):
    return m.YHTR[h] == sum(m.TR[(h,ag)] for ag in m.agents)
m.EQ13 = Constraint(m.households, rule=EQ13, doc='Transfer income of type h households')

Some sums are defined only over non-zero or existing values. In GAMS, this is defined in a similar way as when constraining the domain of equations:

EQ11(h)..       YHL(h) =e= SUM{l,lambda_WL(h,l)*W(l)*SUM[j$LDO(l,j),LD(l,j)]};

In this case, the second sum is only defined over values of LD where the initial value is existing and non-zero.

In python, this can be done by adding an if statement to the end of the sum command and checking the initial value using the custom val function.

#  EQ11(h)         Labor income of type h households
def EQ11(m, h):
    return m.YHL[h] == sum(m.lambda_WL[(h,l)]*m.W[l]*sum(m.LD[(l,j)] for j in
    if val(m.LD, l, j) > 0) for l in m.labour)
m.EQ11 = Constraint(m.households, rule=EQ11, doc='Labor income of type h households')

Products are handled in a similar fashion:

EQ82..          PIXINV =e= PROD[i$gamma_INV(i),(PC(i)/PCO(i))**gamma_INV(i)];
#  EQ82            Investment price index (derived from investment function)
def EQ82(m):
    return m.PIXINV == prod((m.PC[i]/val(m.PC, i))**m.gamma_INV[i] for i in 
     m.commodities if val(m.gamma_INV,i) > 0)
m.EQ82 = Constraint(rule=EQ82, doc='Investment price index (derived from investment function)')