Helper Functions

This page provides some helper functions which significantly simplify the python coding.


The sam function is used to retrieve values from the Social Accounting Matrix. The function requires that a sam_dict object exists, but it can be populated at any point prior to calling the sam function. The function takes three arguments:

sam_dict = {}

## Make some helper functions
## Dictionary is organized as "FROM (C, D) TO (A, B)"
## But commands will come in form (TO (A, B) FROM (C, D))
def sam(c, over=[], prices=None):
    coord = [0,0,0,0]
    d = {}
    p = {}
    if prices:
        if isinstance(prices, int):
            if(len(over) == 1):
                for cat in over[0]:
                    p[cat] = prices
            elif(len(over) == 2):
                for cat in over[1]:
                    p[cat] = prices
            elif (len(over) == 0):
                p['singular'] = prices
            p = prices
    # print(p)
    ## need to loop over levels:
    if (len(over) == 0):
        if ('singular' in list(p.keys())):
            return sam_dict[f"('{c[2]}', '{c[3]}')"][f"('{c[0]}', '{c[1]}')"] / p['singular']    
            return sam_dict[f"('{c[2]}', '{c[3]}')"][f"('{c[0]}', '{c[1]}')"]
    if len(over) == 1:
        idx = c.index(0)
        for cat in over[0]:
            coord = c.copy()
            coord[idx] = cat
            d[cat] = sam(coord)
            if d[cat] is None: d[cat] = 0 #fix nonetype values
            ## adjust for prices
            if cat in p.keys():
                d[cat] = d[cat]/p[cat]
    if len(over) == 2:
        idx = c.index(0)
        idx2 = c.index(1)
        for cat in over[0]:
            for cat2 in over[1]:
                coord = c.copy()
                coord[idx] = cat
                coord[idx2] = cat2
                d[(cat,cat2)] = sam(coord)
                if d[(cat,cat2)] is None: d[(cat,cat2)] = 0 #fix nonetype values
                ## assume only 2nd variable is adjusted for prices
                if cat in p.keys():
                    d[(cat,cat2)] = d[(cat,cat2)]/p[cat]
    return d


The val function returns a variable or parameter value or dictionary of values from a given model or instance.

## helper function for retriving initial values
def val(obj, sub1=None, sub2=None, default=None):
        if isinstance(obj, Var):
            if (sub2): return obj._value_init_value[(sub1,sub2)]
            if (sub1): return obj._value_init_value[sub1]
            return obj._value_init_value
        if isinstance(obj, Param):
            values = obj.default()
            if (sub2): return values[(sub1,sub2)]
            if (sub1): return values[sub1]
            return values
    except KeyError:
        if default is not None:
            return default